
Friday, February 1, 2019

Reality Television Essay -- TV Television Reality Show Essays

Reality goggle box In straightaways society, Reality Television plays an important position in peoples everyday lives. The mankind telecasting programs of today are general because of the variety of film conventions (eg. audio, visual and symbolic codes) and the value and attitudes used to give the viewer?s response. Two good examples of realness television programs are The Apprentice and Queer Eye for the dandy Guy.In the episode of The Apprentice, The Price is Height, wealth is promoted through the values and attitudes of todays society to construct the viewers response. This program promotes that wealth is acquired through success, and success comes with long-term hard work. wealth is promoted throughout the episode in various forms. These include having the episode produced in the very flourishing big-business city of peeled York, USA, where much of what happens affects what happens throughout the US and around the world, the Trump World chromatography column, Trump P laza Hotel, and Mar-a-Lago resort located in laurel wreath Beach, Florida. If opposite auditions viewed the episode of The Apprentice, each audience would interpret the values and attitudes of wealth differently. If a mature audience viewed the episode, they would interpret wealth as greed. If a younger audience viewed the episode, they would interpret wealth as a commit and an ambition to achieve. The suggested target audience for this episode would be young adults, as the values and attitudes of wealth, would liked to be gained by those who are beginning in the business field.In an episode of Queer Eye of the Straight Guy, ? neer too late to celebrate?, wealth is achieved through a some 1?s area of expertise, where the person is most likely to succeed extremely in it. Wealth has been promoted throughout the episode in different ways. This includes the expensive suits and clothing from designer brands such as ?Prada? and ?Levis? and the episode was produced in New York City, U SA. If different audiences were to view the episode, each would interpret the values and attitudes of wealth, in different ways. If an older mature audience were to view the episode, they would interpret wealth as a wonderful thing, as five gay men, are victimization their time, money and areas of expertise to makeover a straight (non-gay) person. If a younger audience were to view the episode, they would interpret wealth as a good... ...f The Apprentice, the footage is collated to make the pistillate contestants appear as sexual objects by focusing on their legs, close-fitting clothing, cleavage and body movements and projects the males as being more capable and successful in business. So even if the ? television camera never lies?, the use of camera angles, particular shots and the way the footage is edited can play a colossal part in influencing what the viewer thinks. It is all about ?how? it is shown to the viewers. The reality television shows of The Apprentice and Queer E ye for the Straight Guy are popular due to the values and attitudes promoted through wealth and through the filming conventions of audio, visual and symbolic codes. However, the impact on audiences depends on how they are presented. Promotion of one form of success and wealth included ?Trump World Tower?, expensive suits from ?Prada? and ?Hugo Boss?, ?Mar-a-Lago? luxury resort, etc. by The Apprentice and other form of success and wealth presented by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was improvement of appearance, enrichment of personal life and lifestyle and the two reality television episodes were produced in New York City, the hub of business culture and trade.

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